When I first started as an art teacher. I was wholly against centers. Working in a comprehensive elementary school environment, art students must explore art history, aesthetics, and basically try to be on the same page as everyone else. However, I now see the virtue in having something going on all the time that is different. It is a great way to help students work on things that involve various strengths. I will blog more about centers later. Here is one that my colleague had begun (with the first color wheel) before I started at Variety. The color wheel idea is great, we have all these random beads, shells, toy pieces, and more beads. If a student is frustrated with his or her current project that we are working on, this is one great way to break away and calmly work. Center ideas for the future include modeling clay, perler beads, a huge paper color wheel collage, and wire sculptures.

This color wheel is still a work in progress. It is showing neutral colors. I like this one a lot, however it's more an exercise in value than in color. I especially like the 3 different colored pennies on 3 different segments of the brown.
Here is the first color wheel that was finished, how fun is that?
For the second color wheel, we had a lot of lego pieces. The students had a great time making these.